Over the last decade, I helped lead and develop some of the best operators in the military. Being a SEAL is the greatest profession I could have hoped for.

In 2020, that chapter of my life came to an end.

It took some time to figure out what my new purpose in life was supposed to be. After all, how do you go from leading warriors in far-off lands to working a corporate job?

What I discovered is that working for someone else whose values don’t align drains the life from me. So, I quit my job and started to build a business of my own with zero entrepreneurial experience.

But I figured it out.

Before long, I was hiring friends and my wife joined the team as well. Now I’m working with people I love and respect while running a 6-figure recruiting agency supporting some of the coolest startups.

This led me to want give other veterans the same opportunity to feel purpose and meaning in their lives again. So I started the Vet Collective - a bespoke coaching business that teaches veterans how to identify, develop, and monetize skills they already have to be become entrepreneurs themselves.


I spent nearly a decade training and operating as a Green Beret Medic. I led and worked alongside some of the highest functioning teams in the Special Operations Community. It was during my time inside those teams where I learned to live by a whole new set of standards.

When I left the military and entered the corporate world in 2020, I was lost. It’s a story as old as time - no sense of purpose, no team to commiserate with, and no one by my side to push me. I was floating. Trying to find any semblance of meaning in the busy work I continued to bury myself in.

I lost sight of the standard I was so accustomed to. It wasn’t until I made the decision to pursue entrepreneurship that I was able to rediscover my roots. Founding an Executive Search firm with the mission of disrupting an industry gave me new purpose. It reminded me that I get to set the standard - that I can control my own destiny post-military.

That’s why I’m all in on the Vet Collective. I want to be there every step of the way as you tactfully navigate the journey towards entrepreneurship. Here’s to starting the journey together.


Monday Morning Vetrepreneur

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Business Launch Guide

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